DOTNET Framework 3.5 in your Windows 10 (many applications actually need this to run)

DOTNET Framework 3.5 in your Windows 10 (many applications actually need this to run)

DISM  /Online  /Enable-Feature  /FeatureName:NetFx3  /All  /LimitAccess  /Source:x:\sources\sxs



If you have Windows setup at “D:” drive, replace “x:” with “d:”

If you have Windows setup at “D:\Installers” folder path, replace “x:” with “d:\installers”



And also, make sure that “sources\sxs” folder exists in your Windows 10 installation media. When run from the command prompt, it will start installing the .NET framework. Please keep patience as it might take some time to install the .NET Framework. Once done, restart your system for the changes to take effect.